If you are lucky enough to have access to a pork roast with the crackling (skin) left on, then you should definitely try roasting it. This recipe is made so delicious by the long first roast over leeks and fennel, and the second short roast at a very high heat that turns the pork skin into a bubbling, light, crispy, crackly treat.
1leeksliced & washed, sliced again to 3 inch ribbons
1bulb fennelsliced lengthwise and washed
3-4Tbs olive oilsave this for the second part of the roasting process
Preheat oven to 375°F. Using a sharp knife, score lines on the pork skin.
Assemble the sliced fennel and leek in the bottom of the pan.Salt and pepper the pork roast well.Place the pork roast over the vegetables.Roast at 375°F for about ninety minutes. Cover the roast with foil after the first 45 minutes.
After 90 minutes, take the roast out of the oven and transfer it to a shallow baking pan. Cover roast with olive oil. Roast at 425°F for ten minutes. To achieve an extra crispy top, broil for the last two minutes of cooking.
Let the roast rest, covered with foil, for about twenty minutes before slicing and serving.