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JD’s Team of Goons Who Are Determined to Get Him to The Presidency

Haha. It’s fine. We’re all fine. We are definitely in good hands. Haha.

WALZ or WALTZ? There’s a BIG difference between them!

I love a nice Crudités in the late afternoon

I like to top my tomato soup with fresh basil leaves and crème fraiche

Is it real? Leaked Audio of JD Complaining about Musk

How bout a nice fresh cup of TONE DEAF?

Fairy garden and breathe

Today’s zoom call canceled – pop up IG live instead. Link in comments

Better off De@d Than Vaxxed? The honor kllngs of the west

No, fascist far right Catholics- I will never accept your perverted version of our Faith

Purity Culture vs. Radical Bodily Autonomy #purityculture #bodilyautonomy #project2025

The Catholics and Fascism – what can we do?

JD Vance is an Opus Dei plant. I think they’ve chosen him to usher in a theocracy. Troll him.

Book Study: Let’s learn more about what the fascist far right Catholics want to do with education