Monthly Archives: April 2023

2 posts

Tuscan Kale (Cavolo Nero) and White Bean Soup

I knew this bubbly blue/green kale was special the moment I laid eyes on it in the Market in Tuscany. Whenever we travel, I love perusing the food markets to learn how the people of the area shop and eat. One of the ways the locals prepare this “cavolo nero” is in this hearty and delicious soup. This recipe is my version. Please see the attached video for a comprehensive guide on how to make this soup, as well as ways you can become a “culinary tourist” too!

When in Tuscany: Testaroli

When I go to the market in a place I’ve never been before, I look for things I consider strange. If you’ve ever felt the panic of “I have no idea how to make this” (when seeing an item in the grocery store), then you might be able to relate. Over the years, I’ve been able to welcome that feeling of ignorance instead of squashing it down (is it shame?) and walking away from the item. Now, I take the quivering feeling of uncertainty as an opportunity to learn something new. For me, vacation is exactly the right time to […]