ground beef

3 posts

Easy Party Nachos

A big pan of nachos makes any event into a party. Better yet, they are so easy to make! I’ve been making this easy recipe for years. It only takes about twenty minutes to make a literal feast for your family. I set up a “taco bar” buffet style, and everyone serves themselves. My kids especially like choosing their own toppings for their plates of nachos. Want to make this recipe even easier? A few times a year I bulk brown/season/freeze gallon-sized bags of ground beef. I use this pre-make ground beef for nachos, tacos, in soups, in pasta sauces […]

Freezer Cooking: Bulk Prepared Seasoned Ground Beef

It’s August, and that means that while it’s still summer, I’m deep in my home preparing for back-to-school. I’m deep cleaning my house, I’m purging all the things we don’t need anymore, I’m making sure my kids have everything for back-to-school, and most importantly, I’m stocking my freezer with meals and meal starters. I have a lot of goals for myself this next school year. My youngest child will be turning ten in January, and my children are at a place where they don’t need me as much anymore. I’ve been waiting for decades to put myself on a full-time […]