Monthly Archives: August 2023

4 posts

Freezer Cooking: Freezer to Crockpot BBQ Shredded Pork

Freezer cooking is a great way to save energy, time and money. Having meals ready-to-go in my freezer always makes me a little more “pulled together” than I would otherwise. Even if I’m going through a rough patch or have had a bad day, having dinner ready-to-go helps improve my mood and manage whatever I’m going through just a little more calmly and reasonably. A “freezer to crockpot” recipe is a pre-assembled recipe that is frozen in a bag, defrosted, then just dumped into a crockpot and cooked all day. The prep is very easy, and can be done in […]

Vlog: Easy Sheet Pan Pizza and What it was Like to Stop Homeschooling After Eleven Years

If you’ve ever wondered what it’s like to STOP homeschooling and send all your kids to school, you might find this video interesting. Recorded over facebook live – it’s now on my youtube channel. Homeschooling is a personal choice, and when I decided to stop homeschooling my kids and send them to school eight years ago, I did a google search and found absolutely nothing about how to go about the process and what to expect. I hope this information helps someone. If you’re a teacher welcoming former homeschooled kids to your classroom this year; there are tips here that […]

Freezer Cooking: Bulk Prepared Seasoned Ground Beef

It’s August, and that means that while it’s still summer, I’m deep in my home preparing for back-to-school. I’m deep cleaning my house, I’m purging all the things we don’t need anymore, I’m making sure my kids have everything for back-to-school, and most importantly, I’m stocking my freezer with meals and meal starters. I have a lot of goals for myself this next school year. My youngest child will be turning ten in January, and my children are at a place where they don’t need me as much anymore. I’ve been waiting for decades to put myself on a full-time […]

Freezer Cooking: Batch-Prepared Braised Beef for the Freezer

If you’ve seen this recipe recently on my socials, WELCOME! Thank you for taking the time to find my website. To batch prepare this recipe for the freezer, follow the instructions on this video, or read the procedure below: You can serve this braised beef in so many ways! This is why it’s a favorite in my house. It’s excellent alone with just a piece of crusty French bread, it’s great with rice, couscous, polenta, mashed potatoes, roasted potatoes – really any starch at all. I have even used this recipe as a starter for enchiladas, soups, and more. […]